Italian artist, a good passion for pizza, pasta, making good art and playing videogames. Let's have fun, and make great contents, shall we?

Age 33, Male



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Main roadmap for Azzurrina the Ghostly Girl

Posted by MrCaputo - 2 days ago


Making a videogame is never easy and requires always costs of production.

With this roadmap we show you how much will require to made each level and content for Azzurrina and her infernal world.

We are for now a small team but the more funds we will get, the more high is the budget we can invest for each enemy, location, boss fight, NPC, animation and more as long we can grant major support from you dear supporter. And we can hire more talented artist and programmer for shaping this game in a much better experience to play.

But of course do it only if you can.

With the main roadmap we decide to split each area for a better focus, as long we can invest properly our time and resource on one single thing at time and move to a next level once is complete.

And each level will include:

  • Boss Fights
  • Original Soundtracks
  • 5 unique levels
  • A colorfull cast of NPCs to meet and enemies to face and defeat
  • Animated Cutscenes
  • Characters and models Animation
  • Unique 3D assets for a more appealing setting we want you to explore.
  • Voice acting for immersing the player with the cast and the story we want to create for each level.

But there is more: other goals awaits us:

  • Main story mode: Azzurrina vs Vanesio the Moonman and her journey to save her mom and free the underworld from Vanesio's tyranny
  • Minigame and side activities: We want to add some extra activities during your journey in the underworld/hell realms. If the main adventure can be quite annoying, we grant some extra activities for your pleasure. But keep in mind, minigames will be added in a second moment since we want to polish the whole world building.
  • Your own base: as the name suggest, we want to give you your personal base so you can decorate and custom as you please, maybe even inviting some extra guest from your travels with your favourite NPC.
  • Skins and costumes: Custom your Azzurrina as you please. From every skin color or some fancy new clothes you want for her. We sure have plans for a vast ammount of contents for dressing Azzurrina in the most cute, badass, funny or weird way you want.
  • Azzurrina forms: Even if Azzurrina got already the Matrona form, we have also plans for the Slime, Ombra and Folgore forms. These three new forms require a unique approach since we want you to explore new level areas and face the bosses. But will require for each one a specific study to make sure the player will not face a more of the same situation and instead we want to plan and create each form for unique gameplay experience and could include stealth, racing mechanics and other settings we want to reveal once the form is ready.

We hope this Roadmap can help you to understand our major goals, we will update it and let you know what progress has been made so far and if you have any questions or doubt, the Caput Mundi Games Team will be happy to answer.

As always stay tune for major updates.

Mr. Caputo and The Caput Mundi Games Team



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